Brand: Nissan
Agency: DigitasLBi
Role: Creative Direction
Year: 2018
How to convey amazement when you can't rely on sound?
For the European launch of the New Nissan LEAF, we were tasked to give a social voice to the global campaign idea "Simply Amazing".
We answered the call by capturing genuine reactions of real drivers while they tried the car and its high-tech features; for many, it was the first time they were inside of an electric vehicle, making these reactions even more genuine and watchable on social media.
The real challenge was to show these reactions to an audience who would watch them without sound. With that in mind, we crafted a bespoke caption system that supported 6 different languages, making these short videos even more impactful.
Emergency Braking
e-Pedal (In Norwegian; one of the 6 different languages of our films)
© 2024
Claudio Eduardo Vieira
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